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Wednesday August 12 at 1.30pm

Howard observed a large number of very big migratory birds in multiple colours about to travel to the four corners of the world.

They had script like markings on their tails which might be interpreted as tiger, Jetstar and there were even virgins in large numbers.

They were very loud when they took to the air and landed on wheel like legs situated at the front and back. The location was approximately 100 to 150 km north of the bridge.

It is highly unlikely that they are going to breed in the bull rushes as they will not be landing in that small space and the vast majority are virgins anyway. Sent from my iPad

Wednesday August 12 at 9 am

Howard observed 2 cattle egrets near bridge on north side (from car)

Monday 10th August 2015 at 3pm


Debra and Howard went to the creek with the intention of looking to see if birds may have started to breed.

Howard went into the reeds in about 10 places within 30 m of the old bridge, crossing totally in a couple of places. There were no signs of nests or birds within the reeds.

* There was a pair (regular) of Pacific Black ducks adjacent to the southern side of the bridge.

* further north there were purple swamp hens, black ducks and the exotic domestic ducks grazing.

* earlier at about 1 pm there was a white faced heron just north of the bridge


Friday 7th August 2015 – 3.30pm

Greg saw 2 Chestnut Teal ducks on the grass, south-eastern side.

Thursday 6th August 2015 3.15pm

Debra saw 2 Australian Wood ducks sitting on northern side of bridge on grass in EXACTLY the same spot as the Pacific Black Ducks have been sitting.  Beside them were 3 galahs.

A bit further north on the grass was either a Great Egret or Cattle Egret.

Oh yea?

spoonbill (1)

Thursday August 6 at 9am

Howard observed:

* Pair of pacific black ducks on immediate rail (1)northern side of bridge – regulars

* Pair of purple swamp hens

* Group of wood ducks

* Buff Banded Rail (see photo) near bridge on northern side

* Royal spoonbill at far end near Gray street

New photos added to slideshow

Wednesday August 5 at 3pm and 5pm

Howard visited the creek at 3pm and again at 5pm:

In the middle area of grass I saw

* a flock of cattle egrets

* two royal spoonbills (see photo)

* a white cockatoo and a flock of galahs

* lots of wood ducks

* a couple of Pacific Black ducks

* a couple of Purple Swamp hens

I saw no birds near the bridge


Wednesday August 5 at 8.15 am

Howard visited creek and bridge and saw:

* Pair of pacific black ducks, as normal, under bridge on south side.

* One purple swamp hen on northern side of bridge in reeds.

Monday 3 August 2015 1:45pm

Howard at bridge 1:45 pm:

* Pacific black ducks under bridge.

* One Purple swamp hen directly adjacent to north side of bridge

Monday 3 August 2015 9 am

Howard visited bridge at 9 am:

* No bird life on northern side going east.

* One pair of Pacific black ducks under south west corner of existing bridge. Evidence seems to suggest this pair is established in that location.


Sunday 2 Aug 2015 5pm

Debra saw 3 Purple Swamp Hens grazing on grass left hand side of bridge (northern side) – believe they are the same 3 spotted previously.

Friday 31 July 2015 5pm

Debra attended Creek:

* Saw Pacific Black Duck sitting on grass in same position as Wed 29/7 and Thurs 30/7, ie., left side of bridge if heading east.

* Saw 3 Purple Swamp hens near bullrushes on left side of bridge. Looked like the 3 sighted on Thurs 30/7.


Friday 31 July 2015 10am

Howard attended the creek this morning at about 10 am:

* There were a pair of black ducks on the southern side of the bridge where previously seen.

* On the northern side of the creek there were no ducks near the bridge.

* There were purple swamp hens in the middle area as well as a single white faced heron and two ravens

Thursday 30 July 2015 11am

Howard attended the creek at about 11 am:

* There were no sitings near the bridge or in the middle area

Debra attended the creek in the afternoon and observed:

* a black duck sitting in the area of the bridge as previously observed on Wednesday.


Wednesday 29 July 2015 1pm

Debra and Howard attended the creek about 1 pm:

* There were two pacific black ducks on the southern side of the bridge.

* There were two pacific black ducks on the northern side of the bridge about 10 metres from the bridge. One remained settled low in the short reeds the other was higher up the bank. This latter bird was very aggressive towards another pacific black duck which came from the southern side of the bridge.

* There were purple swamp hens in the middle area of the clearing moving from the creek to the bank area.

* There was a white faced heron on the grass adjacent to the Mayflower Village.

* There were three exotic ducks in the creek at the northern end of the area, species unknown.


Sunday 26 July 2015 9am

Howard attended the creek about 9 am:

* There were three wood ducks on the edge of the bridge (northern side) and later they were feeding up at the northern end of the clearing.

* A white faced heron was feeding on the grassy area in the middle of the clearing.


* There were purple swamp hens (5) active just north of the bridge.

* There was a flock of galahs feeding on the grass just north of the bridge between the main creek and the western drainage line.
